August 6, 2018
In 2018 adx ENERGY awarded to Tacrom Drilling SRL a contract to drill an appraisal well in the very West of Romania, close to the Romanian Hungarian border, Iecea Mica 1.
In this area an exploration well, drilled in the last century encountered serious problems, including a blow out, therefore the well planning has been extensive by adx ENERGY engineers. On August 6th, Tacrom Drilling’s, Futura 6 spudded the well and only 3 weeks after spud the 7 inch casing has been set and cemented at 2,335 m on August 28th, 2019. On September 1st, 2019 the 6” OH reached the critical depth of 2400 m (over pressured zone). The planned TD is 2,500 m.